This is Forum Skill

Forum Skill is a resource organisation that runs several different projects and activities with human rights as a starting point.

Our activities consist of work-integrated social enterprises, rehabilitative cultural work and an educational section that offers lectures and educational material in areas such as social enterprise, work environment, sexuality and functionality.

The activities’ common point is that they were started with the aim of increasing opportunities for empowerment, but also to meet challenges in society such as alienation and inaccessibility.

Forum Skill is contracted by the city of Gothenburg to conduct daily activities in line with LSS (The Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments) and has an agreement with the Swedish Public Employment Service to provide job training.

Forum Skill collaborates with different actors within associations, organisations, the municipality, the region and the educational sector. We act as a link between research and practice.

SKILL stands for the organisation’s guiding principles: Samarbete (cooperation), Kompetens (competence), Intersektionalitet (intersectionality), Lärande (learning) and Lust (enthusiasm).

Forum Skill is a non-profit organisation.